Oakland City Church is being planted for two simple reasons - love for Jesus and love for Oakland.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tonight at OCC

Thanks Rebecca for setting up this blog! Awesome. I hope all of you can join in the conversation.

We're turning a corner tonight at OCC. On January 16, OCC will be moving to a more invitational worship service. Between now and then we'll be praying and discussing how we can best invite people in and serve those who come. As a part of this effort, the community understanding team is leading us to see ourselves as agents of blessing of the city.

Tonight we are looking at Mark 6; the feeding of the 5000. In Mark 6, Jesus comes ashore and finds a crowd waiting for him. Although the crowd is unsure of who Jesus is, they are attracted and curious. Jesus responds with compassion - they are like sheep without a shepherd. The disciples don't think they have what it takes to serve the huge crowd that has arrived. But their humble gifts of bread and fish (which come from a kid) are used to fill the needs of everyone present.

It may seem as though we don't have much to offer. But with Jesus as our provider, we have enough. I encourage you to share your thoughts and connections on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Josh- Unfortunately we needed to stay home tonight because our little one was worn out and under the weather. But, in thinking about Mark 6, do you have any guiding questions/thoughts to help us reflect this week? -It would be greatly appreciated.

    gracias! rebecca and mark
