Oakland City Church is being planted for two simple reasons - love for Jesus and love for Oakland.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where is the church?

Great article sent in by Kathy Dwyer.... 'Where is the church?'

Dr. Barbara is the Executive Administrator for C. H. Mason Bible College with four campuses - Oakland, Stockton, Vallejo and Sacramento, CA. These colleges offer undergraduate and graduate accredited degrees. Spring registration starts February 1st. Her many contributions make the world a better place for all of us.
For more information: www.eastbaytheologicalseminary.org
or 800-277-2340

Dr. Barbara says:

"Where Is The Church?

My heart is sadden as I sit and question the loss of a 16 year young man who felt the need to take his own life and a community workerreferred to as 'the community Dad' become the victim of a senseless homicide. We must take time to ask the question again - Why the violence - both self inflected and that perpetrated on others? Have we created a climate of hopelessness, despair and frustration or the sense of helplessness and the lack of self worth?

We have to take responsibility for our own actions we are sure, but we can't look at these incidents in isolation. We are all products of our environment whether positive or negative to a certain extent. The destruction of family structure, the lack of boundaries, knowing the difference between self esteem and self worth. Many people esteem their feelings, wants and needs above everyone and anyone, but do not know their self worth, in the fact that they will jeopardize and even forfeit hey lives for a can of beer or a pair of shoes.

We as a people must join forces to communicate and educate ourselves and our children in how to prevent the actions and reactions to situations that are plaguing our neighborhoods and therefore our lives. My question is where is the 'church'. Are we connected to our neighborhoods, youth outside of our churches? Are able to do more than just pray? The real problem is that many of the same people perpetrating the crimes or even the victims of the crimes are our family and members of our congregation. We can no longer stand silent on the issues, with over 200 churches in the city of Richmond and 400 in the city of Oakland; we have to be on the front line to protect our families, neighborhoods and schools. How can we have good neighborhoods if people who know what is good aren't helping to shape our neighborhoods? If houses of worship understood their calling, things would change for the better. Getting involved is simply another way to worship God and love people.

The main challenges for churches are to:
1) understand their freedoms and their mandate - 'Thou shall love thy neighboras thyself' - Gal. 5:14
2) overcome fear or complacency
3) learn how to use their resources effectively to influence community, state and

Join us as we explore this topic each month."

Dr. Barbara J Williams ThD

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